RESULTS OF SEARCH "series: Dissertationes Urbanianae"
The parsh priest as shepherd of the parish community according to canon 519
Mkakanze Francis -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3577-4
EAN: 9788840135779
italian text
The person and faith of apostle Thomas in the gospels
Kaniarakath George -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3581-2
EAN: 9788840135816
italian text
The principles of loyalty in the ethics of Josiah Royce
Rock Dominic E. -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3555-3
EAN: 9788840135557
italian text
The unlimited love in Lk. 10, 25-37
Wanok Sanctus L. -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3582-0
EAN: 9788840135823
italian text
Topiques de la culture contemporaine. Edgar Morin, par-delà les scories de la modernité
Nyombayire Faustin -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3606-1
EAN: 9788840136066
italian text
True greatness in the christian community (Lk. 9, 46-48)
Minde Ludovick J. -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3576-6
EAN: 9788840135762
italian text
A Call to the wedding banquet and membership of the kingdom of God. A biblical-theological study of Mt. 22, 1-14
Mbena Romanus R. -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3587-1
EAN: 9788840135878
italian text
A Study of the evangelizing mission of the Church in contemporary Asia in the light of the documents of the Federation of asian bishops' conferences
Bula Agustinus -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3644-4
EAN: 9788840136448
italian text
Affective immaturity and lack of internal freedom as a motive for nullity of marriage
Arokiasamy Lawrence M. -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3604-5
EAN: 9788840136042
italian text
Amos 2:6-16. Israel's moral transgressions
Subagyo Yohanes -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3617-7
EAN: 9788840136172
italian text
Association of member episcopal conferences in eastern Africa: its history, priorities, achievements and its future prospects
Muturi John N. -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3614-2
EAN: 9788840136141
italian text
Certitude of valid and licit celebration of marriage in the light of canon 1066. With special reference to Uganda
Masolo Paul -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3599-5
EAN: 9788840135991
italian text
Dal re Giosia al Messia. Problemi letterari, redazionali e teologici di Isaia 8, 23b; 9, 1-6
Lepore Luciano -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3605-3
EAN: 9788840136059
italian text
Ecologia e diritto canonico: canoni 747, 2; 768, 2; 795; 225, 2; 1311
Loche Alberto -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3623-1
EAN: 9788840136233
italian text
Education in faith: a study of canon 796. With particular reference to Redemptoris missio chapter seven
Nwokenn Iheanyichukwu Innocent -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3662-2
EAN: 9788840136622
italian text
Episcopal conferences in the light of Vatican II. The theological foundation and role in the Church. A case study of Tanzania episcopal conference
Kikott William P. -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3612-6
EAN: 9788840136127
italian text
Evangelization in the liberian catholic Church in the light of canon 759: a challenge to the laity
Franken Nyanleh Frank -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3676-2
EAN: 9788840136769
italian text
Finalism in biology. A return to the aristotelian-thomistic theory of being
Landu Matthew -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3717-3
EAN: 9788840137179
italian text
Freedom in Hannah Arendt: a foundation for a post-totalitarian society
Nnaku Francis -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3658-4
EAN: 9788840136585
italian text
Honour your father and your mother (Ex. 20, 12). The dignity of parents and the duties of children in the Pentateuch
Adewale Ojo Anthony -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3618-5
EAN: 9788840136189
italian text
I fedeli laici e la nuova evangelizzazione in riferimento al canone 225 n. 1 e ai nn. 72-73 della Redemptoris missio
Teza Leonard -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3588-X
EAN: 9788840135885
italian text
In defense of telaesthetic: beauty as purpose of nature and work of intelligent mind (reflection on Kant's Critique of judgment)
Owenja Charles -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3648-7
EAN: 9788840136486
italian text
John Henry Newman's interpretation of John Locke on assent and its implications in the philosophy of religion
Bede Chinonye Aboh -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3653-3
EAN: 9788840136530
italian text
L'agir humain: fondement métaphysique et implications éthiques chez le père Joseph de Finance
Mellon Djivoh H. -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3674-6
EAN: 9788840136745
italian text
L'uso degli strumenti di comunicazione sociale alla luce del disposto dei canoni 747, 1; 822, 1-2-3 e 823, 1
Zuncheddu Gianfranco -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3624-X
EAN: 9788840136240
italian text