RESULTS OF SEARCH "series: Dissertationes Urbanianae"
Dialogue avec la religion traditionnelle africaine à la lumière du Synode africain (1994) et de l'exhortation post synodale Ecclesia in Africa
Mukena Katayi Vianney Albert -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3742-4
EAN: 9788840137421
italian text
Ecclesiology of communion: its application in the diocese of Rajshahi in the light of canon law
Costa Ignatius -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3746-7
EAN: 9788840137469
italian text
Génese da pena latae sententiae a teor do c. 1318
Gaspar da Cruz Urbano -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3728-9
EAN: 9788840137285
italian text
Human knowledge and its validity as knowledge of truth in saint Thomas Aquinas (Quaestiones disputatae de veritate)
Saku Dominicus -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3727-0
EAN: 9788840137278
italian text
Il consiglio pastorale parrocchiale con speciale riferimento alla Chiesa del Vietnam e all'arcidiocesi di Hanoi
Dang Duc Ngan Joseph -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3694-0
EAN: 9788840136943
italian text
Il contributo del cardinale Celso Costantini alla promozione del clero indigeno
Ng Tian Su Lucas -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3689-4
EAN: 9788840136899
italian text
Inculturation of religious beliefs, festivals and rites in the evangelization of the oraons of Chotanagpur (India)
Purakary Devasia Claramma -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3699-1
EAN: 9788840136998
italian text
Insegnamenti del magistero della Chiesa cattolica sul problema demografico e sulla pianificazione familiare applicati alla situazione del Vietnam
Tri Buu Thiên -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3709-2
EAN: 9788840137094
italian text
Kainè ktisis en st. Paul
Musuyu Faliyala Joseph -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3710-6
EAN: 9788840137100
italian text
L'esperance et l'immortalité. Étude sur l'ontologie intersubjective chez Gabriel Marcel
Kipoy Pombo J. K. -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3736-X
EAN: 9788840137360
italian text
La catégorie d'égalité dans la pensée politique d'Alexis de Tocqueville
Bonne Anne. Bosco Jean -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3715-7
EAN: 9788840137155
italian text
Le conseil presbytéral, organe de communion de l'évêque avec son presbyterium: canon 495, 1
Kpenu Timothée A. -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3702-5
EAN: 9788840137025
italian text
Le ministre ordonné et la politique. Essai d'interprétation des canons 285, 3 et 287 appliquée à la réalité socio-politique du Rwanda
Rukundo Emmanuel -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3741-6
EAN: 9788840137414
italian text
Le rapport vivants/morts dans la théologie chrétienne en dialogue avec la culture africaine
Diarra Yibalo Jacques -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3739-4
EAN: 9788840137391
italian text
Meaning and function of Matthew 4, 23-5, 2 and 9, 35-10, 5a
Puthenpurackal Chacko -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3706-8
EAN: 9788840137063
italian text
Proof as source of moral certitude in marriage nullity cases: in light of canon 1608, doctrine and recent Rotal jurisprudence
Oballa John -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3698-3
EAN: 9788840136981
italian text
The catholicity of the Church, fullness of Christ essence of the ecclesial communion
Falleira Paul -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3691-6
EAN: 9788840136912
italian text
The concept of person in the philosophical anthropology of Antonio Rosmini
Vengaloor Mathukutty H. -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3713-0
EAN: 9788840137131
italian text
The emerging basic ecclesial communities. An inter-faith dialogue communities in the diocese of Kottar
Thamasque John D. -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3708-4
EAN: 9788840137087
italian text
The great commandment and entering into the kingdom of God. A biblical-theological study of Mk. 12: 28-34
Prakash Saginala Paul -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3697-5
EAN: 9788840136974
italian text
The other gospel in Gal. 1: 6-9
Okoronkwo Uche Cyprian -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3696-7
EAN: 9788840136967
italian text
The philosophy of values of Ralph Barton Perry
Ekhelar Anselm -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3720-3
EAN: 9788840137209
italian text
Total simulation: an existing problem in arranged marriages among the oraon adivasis of Chotanagpur
Tirkey Cherubin -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3703-3
EAN: 9788840137032
italian text
Towards an Asian ecclesiology. Understanding of the Church in the documents of the Federation of Asian bishop's conferences (FABC) 1970-1995.
Thoppil James -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3693-2
EAN: 9788840136936
italian text
A Missão evangelizadora na diocese de Huambo (Angola) à luz dos documentos pastorais da Ceast (1975-1995)
Capingala Venâncio C. -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3749-1
EAN: 9788840137490
italian text