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RESULTS OF SEARCH "series: Dissertationes Urbanianae."

Kirchliches «Management by delegation» aufgrund can. 131

Juen Walter H. - Urbaniana University Press

ISBN: 88-401-3636-3
EAN: 9788840136363

 italian text   italian text

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L'identità degli istituti secolari

Kim Kil Min - Urbaniana University Press

ISBN: 88-401-3620-7
EAN: 9788840136202

 italian text   italian text

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La catéchèse familiale dans l'édification du peuple de Dieu selon le code de 1983.

Abonga François A. - Urbaniana University Press

ISBN: 88-401-3600-2
EAN: 9788840136004

 italian text   italian text

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La dynamique du principe de l'imputabilité dans le droit pénal canonique

Diene Nicolas - Urbaniana University Press

ISBN: 88-401-3591-X
EAN: 9788840135915

 italian text   italian text

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La mort en rapport avec le péché et trasformée par la rédemption du Christ

Ratovoson Frederic M. - Urbaniana University Press

ISBN: 88-401-3551-0
EAN: 9788840135519

 italian text   italian text

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La passione del Signore e il «Giusto sofferente» del salmo 21

Obeid Mona A. - Urbaniana University Press

ISBN: 88-401-3595-2
EAN: 9788840135953

 italian text   italian text

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La spiritualità missionaria del sacerdote nel sinodo dei vescovi e nella «Pastores dabo vobis»

Chromy Krzysztof - Urbaniana University Press

ISBN: 88-401-3627-4
EAN: 9788840136271

 italian text   italian text

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La verité comme dynamique de libération

Yombandje François-Xavier - Urbaniana University Press

ISBN: 88-401-3549-9
EAN: 9788840135496

 italian text   italian text

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Le role de la resurréction de Jesus dans la christologie de Wolfhart Pannenberg et de Joseph Moingt

Djidji Fambo Benoìt - Urbaniana University Press

ISBN: 88-401-3572-3
EAN: 9788840135724

 italian text   italian text

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Les droits de l'enfant dans le code de droit canonique

Randrianasolo Joseph I. - Urbaniana University Press

ISBN: 88-401-3552-9
EAN: 9788840135526

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Les Lettres d'Anne-Marie Javouhey, une lecture missionnaire aujourd'hui

Makuiza Kubula Adolphine - Urbaniana University Press

ISBN: 88-401-3569-3
EAN: 9788840135694

 italian text   italian text

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Make disciples of all nations (Mt. 28, 16-20)

Lodu Kose Lawrence - Urbaniana University Press

ISBN: 88-401-3610-X
EAN: 9788840136103

 italian text   italian text

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Missionary contextualization. In respect to Theravada buddhism in Myanmar

Htun Maung Germano - Urbaniana University Press

ISBN: 88-401-3566-9
EAN: 9788840135663

 italian text   italian text

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Participation of laity in catechesis in the light of canon 774, 1

Chirackal Jose - Urbaniana University Press

ISBN: 88-401-3557-X
EAN: 9788840135571

 italian text   italian text

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Pauline texts on slavery (1 Cor. 7, 21-24; Gal. 3, 28; Phlm. 8-20)

Selvaraj Joseph M. - Urbaniana University Press

ISBN: 88-401-3538-3
EAN: 9788840135380

 italian text   italian text

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Presentare a Dio i santi (Col. 1, 21-29)

Gritti Carillo - Urbaniana University Press

ISBN: 88-401-3567-7
EAN: 9788840135670

 italian text   italian text

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The authority of Jesus in the gospel of Matthew

Christudhas Mathavadian - Urbaniana University Press

ISBN: 88-401-3536-7
EAN: 9788840135366

 italian text   italian text

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The bishop: the moderator of the ministry of the divine word in the particular Church. Canon 756, 2

Ikechukwu Obasi Clement - Urbaniana University Press

ISBN: 88-401-3563-4
EAN: 9788840135632

 italian text   italian text

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out of print - NOT orderable

The diocesan bishop as the chief administrator of a particular Church. With particular reference to Ghana

Atadana Joseph A. - Urbaniana University Press

ISBN: 88-401-3539-1
EAN: 9788840135397

 italian text   italian text

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The new covenant in the New Testament as fulfilment of the Old Testament covenant

Oh Kyong Ran - Urbaniana University Press

ISBN: 88-401-3550-2
EAN: 9788840135502

 italian text   italian text

out of print - NOT orderable


design e realizzazione: Vincent Wolterbeek / analisi e programmazione: Rocco Barisci