RESULTS OF SEARCH "series: Dissertationes Urbanianae."
De la création des valeurs à une catharsis du politique. L'incidence de la liberté créatrice des valeurs dans la pensée de Raymond Polin
Iyakaremye Dismas -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3445-X
EAN: 9788840134451
italian text
Discipleship of the Lord Jesus Lk. 14, 25-35. A biblico-theological investigation
Vedamuthu Sebastian -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3454-9
EAN: 9788840134543
italian text
Evangelization in India. In the light of federation of asian bishop's conferences documents from 1970 to 1991
Ezhanikatt Vincent -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3548-0
EAN: 9788840135489
italian text
Fraternal correction in Mt. 18, 15-20 and its relevance in the Church today
Lobo Gerald -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3456-5
EAN: 9788840134567
italian text
Incomprehension and misunderstanding in the fourth gospel as a mode of revelatory language (a particular study of John 2, 13-22; 3, 1-21 and 4, 1-35)
Kamara Daniel -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3578-2
EAN: 9788840135786
italian text
L'istituto diocesano per il sostentamento del clero a norma del canone 1274, 1. Con riferimento all'attuazione del sostentamento del clero nella Chiesa coreana
Nan Kung Min -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3560-X
EAN: 9788840135601
italian text
La durée pure chez Henri Bergson. Analyse et évaluation de la notion de temps
Parée Jacques -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3450-6
EAN: 9788840134505
italian text
La philosophie de l'histoire chez Raymond Aron: la personne dans la dialectique moderne de la socialisation
Nam Frédéric N. -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3568-5
EAN: 9788840135687
italian text
La problématique de l'être et de Dieu selon Etienne Gilson
Clark De La Cruz -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3584-7
EAN: 9788840135847
italian text
La théologie conciliaire du laicat et la nécessité de son incarnation pour la nouvelle évangelisation en Afrique et au Zaire
Kidimoyo Ngbakpio Sylvestre -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3467-0
EAN: 9788840134673
italian text
Le christ «Passus» de G. Bernanos
Sagna Celestin -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3455-7
EAN: 9788840134550
italian text
Le mariage canonique des mineurs. À la recherche d'une conciliation entre le droit canonique (cc. 1083, 1095) et le droit civil haitien (artt. 133, 136)...
Jomanas Eustache -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3537-5
EAN: 9788840135373
italian text
Naissance et métamorphose de la théorie malebranchiste de la vision en Dieu
Bigombé Siabé Rémy -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3501-4
EAN: 9788840135014
italian text
O Problema da intersubjectividade em Maurice Nédoncelle. A intersubjectividade como constitutivo fundamental do personalismo
Lucunde Mario -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3458-1
EAN: 9788840134581
italian text
Peurs et foi chez l'homme Beninois...
Gaga Pierre C. -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3462-X
EAN: 9788840134628
italian text
Philosophy of creation in st. Thomas Aquinas: making God intelligible to non-theists
Valence D. Mendis -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3468-9
EAN: 9788840134680
italian text
Political obligation and civil disobedience in Hannah Arendt: a politico-philosophical perspective
Basil Nnamdi Unegbe -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3540-5
EAN: 9788840135403
italian text
Pour une éthique de la solidarité africaine. Approche interprétative et critique de l'agir ntu-ngombe
Bondima Gboga Mw'atekumu -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3541-3
EAN: 9788840135410
italian text
Relation between interreligious dialogue and evangelization: practical implications and consequences in the context of the indian Church
Yeddanapalli Peter -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3545-6
EAN: 9788840135458
italian text
Strengthening the Churches in the acts
Varickasseril Jose -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3477-8
EAN: 9788840134772
italian text
The biblical sources of pope John Paul II's teaching on Mary's mater nal mediation
Phan Nam Joseph M. -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3573-1
EAN: 9788840135731
italian text
The church as communion in the code of canon law of 1983
De Rose Andrew -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3562-6
EAN: 9788840135625
italian text
The consideration of the essential elements of matrimonial consent in the 1983 code (canon 1101, 2)
Ekpo Canice P. -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3554-5
EAN: 9788840135540
italian text
The identity and mission of the ministerial priesthood and the Sacraments of the Church. A dogmatic theological study...
Guzuma A. Thaddeus -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3502-2
EAN: 9788840135021
italian text
The juridical nature of clerical spirituality: in the light of Canon 276
Maung Carmelo A. -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3457-3
EAN: 9788840134574
italian text