RESULTS OF SEARCH "series: Dissertationes Urbanianae."
The need for mission through inculturation and dialogue in Nigeria
Oha Okike Benedict -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3583-9
EAN: 9788840135830
italian text
The relationship between the universal and the local Church in the context of evangelization and inculturation according to Avery Dulles
Panthalany Mani -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3449-2
EAN: 9788840134499
italian text
The role of the diocesan curia in the light of canon 469
Odaga Emmanuel -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3579-0
EAN: 9788840135793
italian text
The role of the judge in the introduction of cases declaring nullity of marriage
Neli Linus -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3466-2
EAN: 9788840134666
italian text
Truth as dynamic experience in William James's pragmatism. Examination of William James's philosophy towards a freer and open community of thought
Montolalu Johanis J. -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3556-1
EAN: 9788840135564
italian text
Understanding differentely: history, authorial intentions and tradition in Hans - Georg Gadamer
Niba Suh M. -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3465-4
EAN: 9788840134659
italian text
Use of reason in marriage: doctrine and jurisprudence based on canon 1095. Vol. 1
Nayakam Hyacinth M. -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3574-X
EAN: 9788840135748
italian text
World and the christian attitude to it according to the sermons of John Henry Newman card
Bogdan Dolenc -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3561-8
EAN: 9788840135618
italian text
A New challenge to the laity in the Commonwealth of Dominica
Thomas Eustace N. -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3616-9
EAN: 9788840136165
italian text
Aids a challenge to the modern society. Clinical, moral and pastoral aspects
Vanson Jagram J. -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3586-3
EAN: 9788840135861
italian text
Da a los pobres y sigueme (Mt. 19, 21). Teologia y espiritualidad de san Jeronimo Emiliani
De La Torre José R. -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3565-0
EAN: 9788840135656
italian text
Dom Orione evangelizador
Rocha Gonçalves Jaci -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3635-5
EAN: 9788840136356
italian text
Ecclesial basic communities and the new evangelization at the light of the Redemptoris missio. With reference to the diocese of Larantuka (Indonesia)
Unto da Silva Gabriel -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3564-2
EAN: 9788840135649
italian text
Essai de critique sur le réalisme politique de Niccolò Machiavelli
Kayembe Muluka Athanase -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3571-5
EAN: 9788840135717
italian text
Familia christiana velut Ecclesia domestica secondo l'insegnamento del Concilio Vaticano II. Analisi teologica del dato conciliare
Colombo Ferdinando A. -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3609-6
EAN: 9788840136097
italian text
Formation of missionary spirit for diocesan priests. In the teachings of the Church from Vatican II and with a special reference to «Pastores dabo vobis»
Thari Jerome -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3570-7
EAN: 9788840135700
italian text
God as the transcendent summit of human insight in Bernard Lonergan
Reddy Thumma D. -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3592-8
EAN: 9788840135922
italian text
Human dimension of priestly formation in the code of canon law with a special reference to andhra pradesh
Swarna Bernard -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3575-8
EAN: 9788840135755
italian text
I matrimoni misti nell'America del nord e la morale matrimoniale. Analisi storico-dottrinale con applicazioni pastorali
Milone Bartolomeo -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3629-0
EAN: 9788840136295
italian text
Il ruolo evangelizzatore dei fedeli laici nel contesto socio-religioso in Corea alla luce dei documenti della FABC dal 1980 al 1991
Nam Ki Ok Marta -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3626-6
EAN: 9788840136264
italian text
Il settimo Concilio ecumenico di Nicea e la tematografia teologica dei dipinti murali medioevali a Cipro
Demosthenis Demosthenous -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3625-8
EAN: 9788840136257
italian text
Impediment of disparity of cult between catholics and hindus in the diocese of Mangalore, India
Mendonca John -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3553-7
EAN: 9788840135533
italian text
Instituto das Filhas do Coracao Imaculado de Maria em Mocambique: a teor do can. 589. Estudo historico-juridico
Tarse Joaquina -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3615-0
EAN: 9788840136158
italian text
Jesus-Christ «Roi-serviteur». Essai sur «Quas primas» à partir du concept Dada
Houndako Bernard K. -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3622-3
EAN: 9788840136226
italian text
Joy in the parables of Luke 15
Tapan Camillus -
Urbaniana University Press
ISBN: 88-401-3559-6
EAN: 9788840135595
italian text