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RESULTS OF SEARCH "series: Vicino a"

I maroniti d'Aleppo nel XVII secolo attraverso i racconti dei missionari europei

De Ghantuz Cubbe Mariam - Jaca Book, 1996

ISBN: 88-16-40412-4
EAN: 9788816404120

 italian text   italian text

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Scalet Mario - Editoriale Scienza

ISBN: 88-7307-067-1
EAN: 9788873070672

 italian text   italian text

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Le lettere di el-Amarna. Vol. 1: Le lettere dei «Piccoli re»

Paideia Editrice, 1998

ISBN: 88-394-0565-8
EAN: 9788839405654

 italian text   italian text

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Gli antichi romani

Haywood John - Vallardi Industrie Grafiche, 1996

ISBN: 88-7696-227-1
EAN: 9788876962271

 italian text   italian text

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Il giardinaggio facile

Fearnley Whittingstall Jean - Zanichelli Editore

ISBN: 88-08-08842-1
EAN: 9788808088420

 italian text   italian text

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Excel '97

Donato Adriano - McGraw-Hill, 1998

ISBN: 88-386-0474-6
EAN: 9788838604744

 italian text   italian text

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I capitoli LXIX e LXX dei Kephalaia copti manichei

Demaria Serena - Edizioni La Mandragora, 1998

ISBN: 88-86123-47-7
EAN: 9788886123471

 italian text   italian text

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Comi Luigi - McGraw-Hill

ISBN: 88-386-0485-1
EAN: 9788838604850

 italian text   italian text

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Per una pastorale di accoglienza dei divorziati-risposati

EDB - Edizioni Dehoniane Bologna

ISBN: 88-10-70540-8
EAN: 9788810705407

 italian text   italian text

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Photoshop 4 per Windows e Macintosh

Comi Luigi - McGraw-Hill

ISBN: 88-386-0475-4
EAN: 9788838604751

 italian text   italian text

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Windows '98

Comi Luigi - McGraw-Hill, 1998

ISBN: 88-386-4006-8
EAN: 9788838640063

 italian text   italian text

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Word '97

Comi Luigi - McGraw-Hill, 1998

ISBN: 88-386-0473-8
EAN: 9788838604737

 italian text   italian text

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Access 2000

Baglivo Luca - McGraw-Hill, 1999

ISBN: 88-386-4053-X
EAN: 9788838640537

 italian text   italian text

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Excel 2000

Donato Adriano - McGraw-Hill, 1999

ISBN: 88-386-4049-1
EAN: 9788838640490

 italian text   italian text

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Outlook 2000

Comi Luigi - McGraw-Hill, 1999

ISBN: 88-386-4089-0
EAN: 9788838640896

 italian text   italian text

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Photoshop 5 per Windows e Macintosh

Comi Luigi - McGraw-Hill, 1999

ISBN: 88-386-4019-X
EAN: 9788838640193

 italian text   italian text

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Prosopografia dei sacerdoti del Fayyum. Dall'antico regno al IV secolo a. C

Zecchi Marco - Edizioni La Mandragora, 1999

ISBN: 88-86123-45-0
EAN: 9788886123457

 italian text   italian text

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Word 2000

Comi Luigi - McGraw-Hill, 1999

ISBN: 88-386-4048-3
EAN: 9788838640483

 italian text   italian text

out of print - NOT orderable

Dire, fare, chattare con Internet

Comi Luigi - McGraw-Hill, 2000

ISBN: 88-386-4121-8
EAN: 9788838641213

 italian text   italian text

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Gli dèi di Bakchias e altri studi sul Fayyum di età tolemaica e romana

Pernigotti Sergio - Edizioni La Mandragora, 2000

ISBN: 88-86123-86-8
EAN: 9788886123860

 italian text   italian text

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out of print - NOT orderable

Publisher 2000

Comi Luigi - McGraw-Hill

ISBN: 88-386-4102-1
EAN: 9788838641022

 italian text   italian text

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Windows Me. Millennium edition

Comi Luigi - McGraw-Hill, 2000

ISBN: 88-386-4143-9
EAN: 9788838641435

 italian text   italian text

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Comi Luigi - McGraw-Hill, 2001

ISBN: 88-386-4170-6
EAN: 9788838641701

 italian text   italian text

out of print - NOT orderable


design e realizzazione: Vincent Wolterbeek / analisi e programmazione: Rocco Barisci