Il Governo del Dollaro. Interdipendenza Economica e Potere Statunitense negli Anni di Richard Nixon 1969-1973
Firenze, 2006; paperback, pp. 254, ill., cm 17x24.
(Storia delle Relazioni Internazionali. 11).
series: Storia delle Relazioni Internazionali
ISBN: 88-596-0093-6
- EAN13: 9788859600930
Weight: 0.56 kg
The book thoroughly examines the international economic policy of the Nixon presidency. The decision to close the "gold window" and the struggle to preserve the pivotal position of the US dollar, the fall of the Bretton Woods monetary agreements and the implementation of policies that anticipated the neoliberal wave of the 1980s and 1990s, are described in detail on the basis of newly declassified primary sources, which help to outline the analyses, the strategies, the uncertainties, and the decisions made in Washington in a crucial period of recent history.