The Middle Ages and Early Renaissance. Paintings and Sculptures From the Carlo De Carlo Collection and Other Provenances
Benati Daniele - Gaudenz Freuler
Centro Di
Edited by Caioni G.
New York, Moretti Fine Art, 18 January - 10 February 2012.
English Text.
Firenze, 2012; clothbound, pp. 197, col. ill., col. plates, cm 25x31.
series: Moretti
ISBN: 88-7038-501-9 - EAN13: 9788870385014
Subject: Essays (Art or Architecture),Painting,Sculpture
Period: 0-1000 (0-XI) Ancient World,1000-1400 (XII-XIV) Middle Ages,1400-1800 (XV-XVIII) Renaissance
Extra: Bizantyn Art
Weight: 1.46 kg