Giovanni Boldini. Il Piacere
Rovereto, Mart, November 14, 2020 - February 28, 2021.
Edited by Beatrice Avanzi and Tiziano Panconi.
Genova, 2020; paperback, pp. 368, col. ill., col. plates, cm 24x28.
cover price: € 54.00
Books included in the offer:
Giovanni Boldini. Il Piacere
Rovereto, Mart, November 14, 2020 - February 28, 2021.
Edited by Beatrice Avanzi and Tiziano Panconi.
Genova, 2020; paperback, pp. 368, col. ill., col. plates, cm 24x28.
FREE (cover price: € 54.00)
Ottocento. Catalogo dell'Arte Italiana dell'Ottocento. Vol. 30
Milano, 2001; paperback, pp. 495, b/w ill., col. plates, cm 22x30,5.
FREE (cover price: € 40.00)
Ottocento. Catalogo dell'arte italiana dell'Ottocento. VOL. 28
Milano, 1999; bound, pp. 800, col. plates, cm 22x30.
FREE (cover price: € 77.47)
L'Architettura dei Fari Italiani. The Architecture of Italian Lighthouse. Vol. 2: Mar Tirreno. Tyrrhenian Sea
Cristiana Bartolomei - Giuseppe Amoruso
Alinea Editrice
Presentazione di Marco Gaiani.
Prefazione di Claudio Baglioni.
Testo di apertura di Achille Bellisario.
Italian and English Text.
Firenze, 2006; paperback, pp. 296, col. ill., cm 30x24.
(Saggi e Documenti di Storia dell'Architettura).
series: Saggi e Documenti di Storia dell'Architettura
ISBN: 88-6055-087-4 - EAN13: 9788860550873
Subject: Architects and their Practices,Essays (Art or Architecture),Graphic Arts (Prints, Drawings, Engravings, Miniatures),Maps, Documents, Old and Rare Books,Photography
Period: 1800-1960 (XIX-XX) Modern Period,1960- Contemporary Period
Places: Europe
Weight: 1.66 kg
Solitary archilei turcs of l/ie day and of the night. day they sliow solidity, certainty, domination, appearing in their entire figure, a strong presence tomark thelandscape; by night thearcNtecture loses its material appearance and yields the step to the light an intermittent, escaping, contrasted bundle from the forces of the nature, a bundle that let act the imagination improving the desire of the unknown. Lighthouses are built in appropriate and significant locations, on coastal heights, islands, rocks and harbours. They guide, warn, mark, alert, lighten and highlight dangerous areas, complex obstacles and entrances to harbours, city ports and shallow estuaries... Their expressed purpose is to carry light in the most remarkable and visible manner so that even distant ships can be warned or guided, and that even, throughout the darkest nights, through the most opaque and starless universe, heavy storms and fogs, the lighthouse's warm and familiar signals can be perceived.
The Idea to visit a lighthouse stroke the fantasy of a lot of people, basically of everyone who dreams to spend moments of concentration in the shadow (or in the light?) of a lighthouse immersed in the nature and in the landscape. Lighthouses are eno
TWs second volume. The Architecture of Italian Lighthouses - Tyrrhenian 5ed, Is complemented by an illustrated catalogue of 53 lighihouies, still working today akng the Tyrrhenian 5ea:an exciting travel guide along, the coasts of Liguria, Toscana, Lazio, Campania and Calabria thai trough laige formât pictures and extraordinary Ulusuations, will allow to get involved in this unique experience.