Arte e scienza. Art and science
Leopoldo Bon
Artestampa Edizioni
Modena, 2021; paperback, pp. 60, ill., cm 21,5x21,5.
ISBN: 88-6462-846-0 - EAN13: 9788864628462
Weight: 1 kg
The works in this book are the consequence of the photographic research Watch and Image (Ed. ARTESTAMPA Modena) (5) and the Hallucinations (Ed. Franco Rosso Trieste) (6).
In short, the works presented in the book could be considered as symphonies of shapes and colors, the result of a brain processing.
Result that derives from years of sensorial perceptions as a space-time summation of different stimuli entering in my brain (bottom-up) which in turn elaborated and produced the result in exit from my brain (top-down),F1.
Leopoldo Bon