Intertextuality. Intermixing Genres, Languages and Texts
Franco Angeli
Edited by Dongu M. G. and Fodde L.
Milano, 2021; paperback.
(Metodi e prospettive. Studi di linguistica, filologia, letteratura. 31).
series: Metodi e prospettive. Studi di linguistica, filologia, letteratura
ISBN: 88-351-2030-6
- EAN13: 9788835120308
Weight: 1 kg
The concept of intertextuality, born out of post-structuralist studies, has proven useful in defining the genesis of many works. Each text is always an intertext. As such, it reproduces, transforms, connects, or subverts other texts. The essays which are collected here describe intertextual exchanges which are constitutive of literary masterpieces, posters, and murals. These exchanges relate memories and present events, diverse ideologies, words and images, working together to create new meanings, remoulding and associating quotations from the known texts. They exalt the role of the reader as the interpreter and the creator of the text as much as is the writer. For this reason, intertextuality also suggests didactic strategies, which locate students at the centre of learning activities. With an Introduction by Ignazio Putzu.