Philinq. Philosophical Inquiries (2013). Vol. 1
Edizioni ETS
English Text.
Pisa, 2013; paperback, pp. 218, ill., cm 17x24.
series: Philosophical inquiries
ISBN: 88-467-3573-0
- EAN13: 9788846735737
Subject: Magazines
Weight: 0.5 kg
Philosophical Inquiries is an Italian philosophical journal published in English. Its aim is to cover a wide range of philosophical questions of broad interest and belonging to diverse fields, such as epistemology, ethics, metaphysics, aesthetics, philosophy of mind, philosophy of science and philosophy of law. It seeks to bring together international scholars committed to cutting edge research on pressing questions in those fields. The scholars who belong to the journal's Editorial Board, Advisory Board, and Executive Board do not belong to what might be called a "school" nor do they privilege any exclusive philosophical style in their works. Over the years, they have shared concerns, and, on many occasions, have worked together on national and international research projects; and we believe that, as a scholarly group, they exemplify what a respectful scientific community should ideally look like and how it should cooperate.