Dall'edilizia all'urbanistica. La ricostruzione in Calabria alla fine del Settecento
Valensise Francesca
Gangemi Editore
Roma, 2003; bound, pp. 208, ill., cm 17x24,5.
(Architettura, Urbanistica, Ambiente).
series: Architettura, Urbanistica, Ambiente
ISBN: 88-492-0431-0 - EAN13: 9788849204315
Subject: Building and Building Materials,Essays (Art or Architecture),Historical Essays,History of Architecture,Urbanism
Period: 1400-1800 (XV-XVIII) Renaissance
Places: Calabria and Basilicata
Weight: 0.697 kg
The ancient province of Calabria Ulteriore, among the most under-developed of the Kingdom of Naples, was discovered in its natural, urban, architectonic and social importance only following the catastrophic earthquake of 5 February 1783. Through the chronicles of travellers and the studious you cross an epoch, and most of all a place, in which a state of emergency transformed the damaged areas into a territory of study and experimentation, where the key text of the planning experience will be The Instruction on the methods to follow in the ruined towns of Calabria in which the architect Vincenzo Ferraresi took possession of the enunciated embelissement theories in1753, by Marc-Antoine Laugier in the Essai sur l'architecture. Town planning, traced out by the royal architects, bear witness to the intention to apply a large-scale territorial intervention, which takes on particular meaning in the adoption of an unusual praxis both in Italy and abroad and which, despite the problematic results, will strongly condition the urban development of the Province. As the Post-unitary cadastral maps confirm.
Francesca Valensise, architetto, dottore di ricerca in Conservazione dei Beni Architettonici e Ambientali svolge la sua attività presso il dipartimento PAU della Facoltà di Architettura di Reggio Calabria. Collabora alla cattedra di Progettazione Urbanistica ed è attualmente professore a contratto per il corso integrativo alla stessa disciplina. È autrice di saggi sulla storia della città e del territorio, fondati per lo più su documenti inediti, con particolare riferimento alla Calabria e alle trasformazioni comprese tra il XVIII e il XIX secolo.
Francesca Valensise, architect, Doctor of research in Preservation of Architectural and Environmental Heritage carries out her activity at the PAU department of the Faculty of Architecture of Reggio Calabria. She collaborates at the chair of Town Planning Projects and is currently a contract professor for the supplementary course on the same subject. She is author of books on the history of the city and the territory, based in most cases on unpublished documents, with particular reference to Calabria and to the transformations taking place between XVIII and XIX century.