Giorgio De Chirico. Il volto della metafisica.
Genova, Palazzo Ducale, March 29 - July 7, 2019.
Edited by Noel-Johnson V.
Milano, 2019; bound, pp. 246, col. ill., cm 24x29.
(Arte Moderna. Cataloghi).
cover price: € 35.00
Books included in the offer:
Giorgio De Chirico. Il volto della metafisica.
Genova, Palazzo Ducale, March 29 - July 7, 2019.
Edited by Noel-Johnson V.
Milano, 2019; bound, pp. 246, col. ill., cm 24x29.
(Arte Moderna. Cataloghi).
FREE (cover price: € 35.00)
Giorgio de Chirico. Nulla Sine Tragoedia Gloria
Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi - Auditorium Dell'Iri, Roma, October 15 - October 16, 1999.
Edited by Claudio Crescentini and Crescentini C.
Co-Editore: Associazione Culturale Shakespeare and Company 2.
Montecatini Terme, 2002; paperback, pp. 504, 188 b/w ill., 21 col. plates, cm 21x30.
(Shakespeare and Company. 2).
FREE (cover price: € 75.00)
Mutazioni. Segni e sogni del XX secolo. Da de Chirico a de Maria
Gavirate, Chiostro di Voltorre, February 23 - April 27, 2003.
Milano, 2003; paperback, pp. 108, ill., tavv., cm 16x22,5.
(Biblioteca d'Arte).
FREE (cover price: € 18.00)
Georges Rouault, Giorgio De Chirico
Mosummano Terme, Villa Renatico Martini, November 23, 2003 - February 15, 2004.
Lyon, La Spirale, October 4 - October 31, 2004.
Edited by Cassinelli P., Giori M. and Viggiano D.
Italian and French Text.
Ospedaletto, 2004; paperback, pp. 150, b/w ill., b/w plates, cm 17x24.
FREE (cover price: € 13.00)
The walled city of Multan. Guidelines for maintenance, conservation and reuse works
Altralinea Edizioni srl
Edited by M. Giambruno and Pistidda S.
English Text.
Firenze, 2015; paperback, pp. 186, col. ill., cm 21x28.
series: Quaderni della collana PRISTINA SERVARE Collana di Restauro Architettonico
ISBN: 88-98743-50-5 - EAN13: 9788898743506
Subject: Restoration and Preservation,Urbanism
Places: Out of Europe
Weight: 0.87 kg
A very complex place, where the process of constant stratification have left many signs on the urban texture. Here the different issues and problems involved, often with no easy solutions, face with the ethical responsibility and cure required from the historic and cultural heritage: how can we improve the urban quality and the living conditions of the inhabitants and at the same time preserve the unique identity of the places? These "Guidelines" try to face a challenge, testing new ways of project, starting from the specificities offered by the local culture and putting in place alternative practices of architecture.
Alessandro Cecchi Paone € 8.55
€ 9.00 -5 %