La collezione dei bronzi del Museo Civico Medievale di Bologna
San Casciano V. P., 2017; paperback, pp. 402, col. plates, cm 21,5x30.
cover price: € 150.00
Books included in the offer:
La collezione dei bronzi del Museo Civico Medievale di Bologna
San Casciano V. P., 2017; paperback, pp. 402, col. plates, cm 21,5x30.
FREE (cover price: € 150.00)
Repertorio della Scultura Fiorentina del Cinquecento
Edited by Pratesi G.
Biografie a cura di Nicoletta Pons.
Torino, 2003; 3 vols., bound in a case, pp. 795, ill., cm 21x30,5.
(Archivi di Arte Antica).
FREE (cover price: € 350.00)
Un paesaggio di età romana rivelato. Potentia e la valle del Potenza fra l'Appennino e il mare Adriatico. Revealing a Roman Landscape. Potentia and the Potenza valley between the Apennines and the Adriatic Sea
Ante Quem
Edited by Carboni F., Vermeulen F. and Dralans S.
Italian and English Text.
Bologna, 2017; paperback, pp. 128, col. ill., cm 21x21.
ISBN: 88-7849-123-3 - EAN13: 9788878491236
Subject: Civil Architecture/Art,Essays on Ancient Times
Period: 0-1000 (0-XI) Ancient World
Places: Calabria and Basilicata,Out of Europe
Weight: 0.45 kg
Particular attention is paid to the coastal town of Potentia, a colony founded at the beginning of the 2nd century BC. which, thanks to its crucial position between the valley and the sea, was essential for the formation of this ancient Roman landscape.