Versus (83-84)
Milano, 2000; paperback, pp. 284, ill., cm 13x21.
series: Versus
ISBN: 88-452-4384-2
- EAN13: 9788845243844
Subject: Magazines
Weight: 0.431 kg
Gli argomenti trattati in questo numero: Introduction: semiotics and Japan; The empire and the signs: semiotics, cultural identity and ideology in Japanese history; Dakini et l'Empereur. Mystique bouddhique de la royauté dans le Japon médiéval; Illuminating the Illuminator: notes on a votive transcription of the Supreme Scripture of the Golden Light; A circle and a square : performance and setting in Bugaku; nature and culture in the Fudoki; Merveilleuse halietique balenière japonaise d'antan! Japanese and Mexicans in Holliwood eyes: Race, gender and power among cultures; youth, crisis and display: the rhetoric in shinjinrui in contemporary Japan; Japan's missing alternative; a semiotics of non-ordinary experience.