Total Living. Art, Fashion, Design, Architecture, Communication
Edizioni Charta
English Text.
Milano, 2002; paperback, pp. 488, 567 b/w and col. ill., cm 19,5x23,5.
Other editions available: Edizione Italiana (ISBN: 88-8158-369-0).
ISBN: 88-8158-371-2
- EAN13: 9788881583713
Subject: Design,Essays (Art or Architecture),Textiles (Tapestries, Carpets, Embroyderies)
Period: 1960- Contemporary Period
Places: No Place
Weight: 1.71 kg
Total Living deploys a packed montage of images, text and other fragments to illustrate the reali-tyof life today. Styles and ways of life are growing ever more uniform under labels and definitionsof fashion as industry and cultural form. Labels and names are capturing more and more space incities worldwide. The editors define "total liv-ing"as the point of no return of a design strat-egythat, in increasingly sophisticated andsharply focused ways, lays down specificlifestyles and guides to dress, behavior,spaces even atmospheres. Anybody candip into this variegated catalogue to shape hisor her character and join the global fashionentertainment. Topics dealt with in the book,produced bz Pitti Immagine, include: themeworlds of fashion designers and brands, artyfashion and trendy art, universes of design-fashion,living and eating, shopping lan-guages,protagonists of the past, advertisingas fiction, and brand sabotage.