Bollettino dell'Atlante Lessicale degli Antichi Volgari Italiani. 1. 2008
Fabrizio Serra Editore
Pisa, 2008; paperback, pp. 168, cm 17,5x24,5.
(Bollettino dell'atlante lessicale degli antichi volgari italiani. Rivista annuale diretta da Massimo Arcangeli. 1. 2008).
series: Bollettino dell'Atlante lessicale degli Antichi Volgari Italiani
Other editions available: ISSN 1971-9043.
Subject: Librarianship, Bibliography, Publishing,Societies and Customs
Period: 0-1000 (0-XI) Ancient World
Places: Italy
Weight: 0.6 kg
Issued annually, the "Bollettino dell'Atlante lessicale degli antichi volgari italiani" ("BALAVI") is an integral part of a larger project in progress, the Atlante lessicale degli antichi volgari italiani; in a later phase, the latter is planned to evolve into a more general Atlante linguistico degli antichi volgari italiani. The project consists of establishing an initial series of 'centers of interest' (containing words from a previously prepared corpus drawn from philologically, chronologically and, for cartographic representation, geographically reliable sources) that will make up each inlay in the mosaic of an Old Italian thesaurus organized by semantic area. Texts will be selected from a period covering the time of the appearance of the first vernacular documents (in some cases semivernacular or semi-Latin) to 1375, commonly accepted as the year of Boccaccio's death (therefore not to be considered a rigid time frame, especially in areas with insufficient ancient documentation, when for evidence we must turn to later writings). "BALAVI"'s editorial board and scientific committee consist of Italian and foreign scholars of acknowledged excellence in their fields. It welcomes all articles that may contribute to the future realization of alavi: reports on parallel endeavors, articles with a theoretical slant, surveys of existing documentation, publication of heretofore-unpublished ancient texts or the re-issue of others that have already been published but for various reasons should be re-published, reviews of important books.