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La mia piccola cucina

Illustrations by Soledad.
Translation by Marzano G.
Milano, 2009; paperback, pp. 359, ill., cm 21,5x26,5.

cover price: € 29.90

La mia piccola cucina

Total price: € 132.90 € 132.90 add to cart carrello

Books included in the offer:

La mia piccola cucina

Illustrations by Soledad.
Translation by Marzano G.
Milano, 2009; paperback, pp. 359, ill., cm 21,5x26,5.

FREE (cover price: € 29.90)

La mia piccola cucina

Torte in fiore. Raffinate creazioni floreali in pasta di zucchero

Translation by Destro P. and Tosi L.
Milano, 2014; clothbound, pp. 224, ill., cm 25x29.
(Gli Illustrati).

FREE (cover price: € 35.00)

Torte in fiore. Raffinate creazioni floreali in pasta di zucchero

Orticola di Lombardia. 150 anni di associazione, 20 anni di mostra

Edited by Pizzoni F.
Milano, 2016; bound, pp. 279, ill., cm 24,5x24,5.

FREE (cover price: € 35.00)

Orticola di Lombardia. 150 anni di associazione, 20 anni di mostra

Arturo Martini. I capolavori

Treviso, Museo “luigi Bailo”, March 31 - July 30, 2023.
Edited by Stringa Nico and Fabrizio Malachin.
Cornuda, 2023; paperback, pp. 278, col. ill., cm 23x29.

FREE (cover price: € 33.00)

Arturo Martini. I capolavori


Padusa. Bollettino del Centro Polesano di studi storici, archeologici ed etnografici di Rovigo. Anno XXXIX, 2003

Fabrizio Serra Editore

Pisa, 2004; paperback, pp. 172, b/w ill., cm 21x24.
(Padusa. Bollettino del Centro Polesano di studi storici, archeologici ed etnografici di Rovigo. Rivista annuale diretta da Paolo Bellintani. Anno XXXIX. 2003).

series: Padusa

Other editions available: ISSN 0393-0149.

Subject: Essays on Ancient Times

Period: 0-1000 (0-XI) Ancient World

Places: Venetian

Languages:  italian text  

Weight: 0.69 kg

The Bullettin was founded in 1965 on a fourmonthly basis and later annual to publish the work of the members of the research centre of Rovigo and its collaborators. In successive years the subscribers of Padusa has grown both in Italy and abroad. This thanks initially to the discovery of the late Bronze Age settlement of Fratta Polesine and its cemeteries, whose artefacts show trade and cultural relationships with the mineral rich Etruria, central Eastern Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean. Padusa, later in the Eighties, partecipated in the topographic and archeological research in the central Eastern Po plain regarding its two most significant pre-modern periods: the Bronze and the Roman Age.
The journal now hosts articles by specificists from various research institutions, most notably those of archeology in Northern Italy (pre-Protostoric and Classical), however maintaining its links with the local reality from which is grow: the ancient area of the Po delta whose contacts with the Etruscan and Aegean world, after the settlement of Frattesina, are well documented at Adria and other sites in the territory of Polesine.
After Padusa, a formounthly newssheet has been introduced describing the activity of the C.P.S.S.A.E. and all the cultural activities notified to the centre, and a monographic series the "Padusa Quaderni" has published; the "Papers of the 1st National Congress of Archeozoology" (P.Q. n.1) and "The palafitta Settlement of Canàr of San Pietro Polesine (RO): archeo-environmental aspects" (P.Q. n.2).


€ 770.00

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design e realizzazione: Vincent Wolterbeek / analisi e programmazione: Rocco Barisci