Pirandelliana. Rivista internazionale di studi e documenti. 3. 2009
Fabrizio Serra Editore
Pisa, 2008; paperback, pp. 168, cm 17,5x25.
(Pirandelliana. Rivista internazionale di studi e documenti. Rivista annuale diretta da L. Rino Caputo. 3. 2009).
series: Pirandelliana. Rivista internazionale di studi e documenti
Other editions available: ISSN 1971-9035
Weight: 0.6 kg
Even today, Pirandello's work seems to be inexhaustible, and not only regarding his work's intrinsic theatricality, wellknown worldwide. New outlines and themes connected to our modern times remain to be confirmed and tracked down. On the other hand, the 'reading' of Pirandello remains constant and in fact has intensified in recent years, in the philology of the document (not only anecdotal), the exegesis of poetic and narrative text and in a critical interpretation of symbolic codes contiguous to the literature (especially audiovisual and digital performances). This international and multilingual journal enjoys a prestigious scientific board comprising 'Pirandellists' who are well-known Italian and international scholars; it was founded with the aim of hosting analytically and historiographically significant articles relating to the work of Luigi Pirandello and related subjects. The latter refers to the various sections in which the scientific work is divided: along with a focus on monographic literary essays, there will be areas of study regarding 19th and 20th century contexts, up to the present day international reception of the work of the Sicilian writer, with particular consideration for contemporary stage productions, true examples of textual, stylistic, thematic and ideological-literary exegesis.