Rivista di studi portoghesi e brasiliani. 7. 2005
Fabrizio Serra Editore
Pisa, 2006; paperback, pp. 144, ill., cm 16x24.
(Rivista di studi portoghesi e brasiliani. Rivista annuale diretta da Ettore Finazzi Agrò. 7.2005).
series: Rivista di studi portoghesi e brasiliani
Other editions available: ISSN 1129-4205.
Weight: 0.44 kg
It is impossible to summarize the close-meshed web of exchanges, influxes and reciprocal influences that forge links among the various Portuguese-speaking lands, but it is certainly worth recalling that the far-flung geographic extension, welded by the use of a common language, has historically been the privileged space for the most intense cultural intermingling among peoples, traditions, and societies of the greatest diversity. In a globalized world, this network of interaction and dialogue may become the ideal dimension in which to evaluate the modes and effects of a cultural hybridization which Europe, and Italy in particular, are called upon to address within a brief stretch of time, and to address with more refined tools than the current crude policy of "proscription".
The Rivista di Studi Portoghesi e Brasiliani which engages ideally in dialogue - albeit enhanced by many innovations and fine-tuning to the spirit of the age will now endeavour to inquire into some of the major questions linked to the cultural universe of the Portuguese language, a universe that is at one and the same time delimited and limitless. The Editors have thus decided to subdivide each number into two parts: one devoted to in-depth investigation of a specific theme, and the other open to contributions by scholars of varying scientific or academic background, who will seek to illustrate and decipher specific aspects of this evocative cultural dimension.