Rivista italiana di linguistica e di dialettologia. V. 2003
Fabrizio Serra Editore
Pisa, 2005; paperback, pp. 212, ill., cm 16,5x24.
(Rivista italiana di linguistica e di dialettologia. Rivista annuale diretta da Diego Poli. 5. 2003).
series: Rivista italiana di linguistica e di dialettologia
Other editions available: ISSN 1128-6369.
Weight: 0.69 kg
The board spectrum of linguistic manifestations appear to underlie the dynamics between variability and codification. Beside the line that has investigated language as a systematic organization, from the prescriptinevess of classical grammar to the formalism of the recursive rules of generative grammar, beginning with Dante close attention has progressively been paid to the pattern into which variatio began to take its place beside gramatica and volgare illustre. The relation between positions of complementarity and/or contrast has produced the vast range of investigation into the written and the spoken word, into deviations and derivations which, using different methodologies, analyse language within society and history.
RILD's origins derive from this interest. Through issues whose subject matter ranges from the miscellaneous to suggested topics, RILD intends to offer its own contribution to the scientific debate of the new millenium.