Glenn Brown
Forma Edizioni
Firenze, Museo Bardini, June 10 - October 26, 2017.
Edited by Risaliti S.
Firenze, 2017; paperback, pp. 84, cm 20,5x28.
Other editions available: Edizione italiana 88-99534-38
ISBN: 88-99534-39-X - EAN13: 9788899534394
Subject: Collections,Essays (Art or Architecture),Monographs (Painting and Drawing),Painting
Period: 1960- Contemporary Period
Weight: 0.4 kg
The presence of the work of Glenn Brown in Florence confirms the leading position of the city in promoting contemporary art. Placing Brown's work alongside the renowned collection of Stefano Bardini, the hugely influential art dealer and collector of the nineteenth and early twentieth century, will allow the public to view significant visual art being produced today by a leading artist, alongside works of the past creating a captivating juxtaposition and renewed discourse. The Bardini Museum houses several medieval and renaissance masterpieces, including Charity by Tino da Camaino, and the Madonna of the Cordai by Donatello, as well as monumental paintings such as the Crucifix by Bernardo Daddi, St. Michael the Archangel by Pollaiolo, Atlas by Guercino and a series of breath-taking drawings by Tiepolo and Piazzetta. Glenn Brown will be installing over twenty works, including paintings, drawings and sculptures - some of which are shown for the first time and that were made specifically on occasion of this exhibition.