Disegni, Acquarelli, Tempere di Artisti Italiani dal 1770 Circa al 1830 Circa
Ozzano Emilia, 2002; 2 vols., hardback, pp. 1066, 1066 numbered b/w ill., cm 21,5x29.
(Pittori d'Italia. 4).
series: Pittori d'Italia
Subject: Graphic Arts (Prints, Drawings, Engravings, Miniatures),Painting
Period: 1400-1800 (XV-XVIII) Renaissance,1800-1960 (XIX-XX) Modern Period
Weight: 1.12 kg
This photographic inventory could have been subtitled "From Neoclassicism to Early Romanticism". It is a documentation of the graphic work of italian artists from 1770 to 1830. My previous study, "La Pittura Neoclassica" by Longanesi, 1987, delt with paintings up to 1820. This decade allows me to show how the most important Italian painters changed towards a new romantic language, after the neoclassical poetry, and to emphasize their early works. The artists are presented in alphabetical order, with a cronological list of ther works.