Urbaniana University Press - Religion
I diritti soggettivi della buona fama e dell'intimità codificati nel canone 220
Murat Julio - Urbaniana University Press
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The role of the laity in a dynamic process of becoming a Church as the sacramente of salvation ideal and reality in Indonesia
Suratman Stephanus - Urbaniana University Press
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La educacion de la juventud a la mision ad gentes en Juan Pablo II
Aparicio Manso Emiliano - Urbaniana University Press
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La parrocchia fra pastorale e diritto in Italia
Boarotto Massimo - Urbaniana University Press
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The ecumenical formation of the candidates to the priesthood in Uganda after Vatican II in the light of Can 256
Muwonge Akiiki Gerald M. - Urbaniana University Press
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La conception de Dieu dans le document de Puebla
Moïse François - Urbaniana University Press
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Sacerdozio comune e sacerdozio ministeriale. Una considerazione teologico-canonica sul canone 204
Umemura Masahiro Raphael - Urbaniana University Press
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The mistery of incarnation as a criterion for Gospe-cultures compenetration
Uzochukwu Udechukwu Emmanuel - Urbaniana University Press
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La vita escatologica del popolo messianico nella «Lumen Gentium» II, 9
Kyung Don Suh Albertus - Urbaniana University Press
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The equitable sustenance of diocisan priests in the light of the code of canon law and the norms of the catholic bishops' Conference of Nigeria
Okoh Ekumauche Innocent - Urbaniana University Press
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The identity of societies of apostolic life
Mascarenhas Felix - Urbaniana University Press
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The problematic of indissolubility of marriage in the canonical doctrine of the new code: with special reference to the archdiocese of Ende (Indonesia)
Nong Dominikus - Urbaniana University Press
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The Prophet and his countrymen in Mk 6:1-6a
Kitomari Aloyce F. - Urbaniana University Press
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The Eucharistic dialogue after Vatican II from catholic and ecumenical perspective
Arthur James - Urbaniana University Press
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The body of Christ. The work of the spirit
Kallikatt Mathew - Urbaniana University Press
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Obedience of clerics as an instrument of hierarchical communion
Niwemugizi Severine - Urbaniana University Press
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La figura della religiosa animatrice missionaria. In riferimento alla Chiesa italiana
Sozza Giuseppina - Urbaniana University Press
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The medical deontology of st. Antoninus of Florence
Brusky Alan R. - Urbaniana University Press
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The importance of the laity's animation of the temporal and the necessity for its formation. With reference to Malawi...
Timpunza A. Andrew - Urbaniana University Press
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The pauline concept of baptism and new life in Christ. The dynamics of christian life according to st. Paul
Perry Akli Lawrence - Urbaniana University Press
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Le synodus episcoporum à la lumière du Concile Vatican II et du CIC 1983
Kalenga Badikebele Leon - Urbaniana University Press
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The problems and prospects confronting the Church in her reconciliatory mission
Ehlem M. Cajetan - Urbaniana University Press
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La riflessione teologica sull'ecucaristia alla luce del documento di Lima «Bem»
Ha Sung Ho - Urbaniana University Press
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