Urbaniana University Press - Religion
Quaestio de dolo in consenso matrimoniali iuxta Can. 1098
Araujo Gomes Geraldo de - Urbaniana University Press
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The missionary vocation of the eastern african christian family
Mahogha Lucas - Urbaniana University Press
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The theological and ecumenical aspects of baptism after the document of Lima, Bem an attempt to a practialapplicion of Bem to the Church of Tanzania
Mahunja Barnabas - Urbaniana University Press
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La preuve testimoniale dans la procedure canonique actuelle
Biajila Muankembe Baudouin - Urbaniana University Press
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L'autorità fonte di comunione e di animazione nelle comunità di vita consacrata. La partecipazione dei fratelli laici al governo negli istituti clericali...
Zane Giuseppe - Urbaniana University Press
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The new code, a challange to the apostolate of the laity
Achinike Chukwuma Emmanuel - Urbaniana University Press
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Nasce la Chiesa nello Zaire. Prime tappe di evangelizzazione nell'ex Congo belga (1880-1933)
Lazzarotto Angelo S. - Urbaniana University Press
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Relecturas deuteronomisticas de Amos, Miqueas y Jeremias
Alvarez Barredo Miguel - Urbaniana University Press
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Les associations privées de laics (CC 327-329). Une opportunité pastorale pour l'Église du Rwanda
Ndorimana Jean - Urbaniana University Press
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Reverential fear in matrimonial consent
Kirupaharan T. Jerribel - Urbaniana University Press
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Parable of the rich man and Lazarus. Literary and semiotic analysis of Lk. 16, 19-31
Adot Ojok Vincent - Urbaniana University Press
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La traduction canonique du principe conciliaire de la «Sana cooperatio» de «Gaudium et spes» n. 76, entre l'Eglise et la communauté politique
Sembagare Jerome - Urbaniana University Press
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Missionary task as building christian communities
Poovathumkudy Kuriakose - Urbaniana University Press
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Collaborative ministry in Paul. An exegetico-theological study of the use of sunergos in the Pauline letters
Manjaly Thomas - Urbaniana University Press
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L'humanité du Christ. Essai d'étude christologique pour un évangélisation du peuple mancagne
Da Fonseca Domingos - Urbaniana University Press
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The uniqueness of Jesus Christ in the current indian theological discussion: an analytico-critical study...
Soosai Adaikalam Devaraj - Urbaniana University Press
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The pastoral care of the syro-malabar catholic migrants
Arampulickal James - Urbaniana University Press
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Canon 129: the participation of Christ's lay faithful in «Potestas regiminis»
Felix George - Urbaniana University Press
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The power of governance of the diocesan bishops in the latin and oriental codes. A comparative study
Johnson Joseph - Urbaniana University Press
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Detachment in view of the kingdom of God. A biblical theology of Luke
Mukandara Audax - Urbaniana University Press
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