Urbaniana University Press - Religion
Posibilidades de una antropologia del «Hombre religioso»
Areitio Arberas Maria - Urbaniana University Press
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La liberté et l'autonomie des fidèles laics dans les matières temporelles
Ndiaye Augustine S. - Urbaniana University Press
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Catechesi degli adulti per una evangelizzazione in Corea
Yang Sook Ja Susanna - Urbaniana University Press
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Paolo liturgo del Cristo Gesù per l'«Obbedienza delle nazioni»
Ettorri Giuseppe - Urbaniana University Press
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La missionarietà del sacerdote diocesano dall'enciclica «Fidei donum», all'enciclica «Redemptoris missio» applicata alla Chiesa in Polonia
Bakalarz Andrzej - Urbaniana University Press
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The cosmic dimension of Jesus' incarnation. A theological and critical study
Raj Joseph R. - Urbaniana University Press
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The juridical identity of the societies of apostolic life compared to institutes of consecrated life in the light of the present code of canon law...
Macha Amedeus - Urbaniana University Press
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Mixed marriages in Uganda. Canonical challenges involved (cann. 1124-1129) (with special reference to the archidiocese of Kampala)
Kizito Lwanga Cyprian - Urbaniana University Press
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Inculturation of the doctrine of fidelity in sacramental marriage. The case of the Yao in the local Church of Malawi. A dogmatic study
Chinkambako Majawa Clement - Urbaniana University Press
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La coopération des membres de la curie diocésaine au pouvoir de gouvernement de l'éveque diocésain. Portée juridique du canon 469 et critique prospective
Bolombe Senghy Jacques - Urbaniana University Press
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The bonum coniugum and «Bonum prolis» in mixed marriages with special reference to the diocese of Kasese
Bwambale Landas - Urbaniana University Press
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Il ruolo dei catechisti missionari nel matrimonio con riferimento ai Cann. 785, 1063, 1112 e 1116
Kim Pius S. - Urbaniana University Press
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The role of the laity in missionary activity of the Church in Igboland of Nigeria: a historical and pastoral approach
Anusionwu Veronica - Urbaniana University Press
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The office of the papal legate according to Can. 363, 1. An assistance to sollicitudo omnium ecclesiarum
Udaigwe Brian N. - Urbaniana University Press
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The integral development of the human person in the history of evangelization in Ogoja diocese of Nigeria (1921-1973). A historical pastoral approach
Ogar Augustine O. - Urbaniana University Press
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Newman's sacramental theological thinking: its relevance to the africans
Igwegbe Okwudili O. - Urbaniana University Press
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La paix comme droit humain fondamental. Réflexions sur les problèmes de la paix et de la guerre à la lumière du magistère (1878-1992)...
Nyaga Paul - Urbaniana University Press
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The birth of systematic theology in contemporary black Africa. An investigation into new interpretations of the christian faith by the newly evangelized
Nwachukwu Fortunatus - Urbaniana University Press
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Cooperation in missionary Church in the light of canon 781 and Redemptoris missio, 77 (reflections on 10 years of the Church legislation...)
Faneye Michael O. - Urbaniana University Press
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The teaching office of the Church with regard to the use of the instruments of social comunication in the light of canons 747-1 and 822
Nnabugwu Titus I. - Urbaniana University Press
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Iniziazione giovanile e confermazione. Problemi pastorali di adattamento liturgico-sacramentale
Pasqualetti Gottardo - Urbaniana University Press
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Inculturation as a new approach of evangelization in Taiwan
Tu Chin Huin Theresa - Urbaniana University Press
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The missionary apostolate of the parisch priest today among the igbos of Nigeria in the light of Vatican II and post Vatican II documents
Onyebueke Uche F. - Urbaniana University Press
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The house Church in the letters of st. Paul and its relevance in the tanzanian context
Mwageni Eberhard - Urbaniana University Press
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