Urbaniana University Press - Religion
The ministry of the word as one of the principal duties of the parish priest in the light of canon 528, 1
Lian Khen Thang Felix - Urbaniana University Press
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The trinity and the chinese culture. Inculturation in the catholic Church in China
Lai Shou Chung John - Urbaniana University Press
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Riflessione sulla partecipazione dei laici al consiglio pastorale diocesano con particolare riferimento alla Corea a norma dei cann. 511-514
Jin Wha Kim - Urbaniana University Press
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Sterility and the ends of marriage. A study based on cann. 1055 and 1084 with particular reference to Zomba diocese in Malawi, Africa
Mkhomeni Jude - Urbaniana University Press
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L'uso degli strumenti di comunicazione sociale alla luce del disposto dei canoni 747, 1; 822, 1-2-3 e 823, 1
Zuncheddu Gianfranco - Urbaniana University Press
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Ecologia e diritto canonico: canoni 747, 2; 768, 2; 795; 225, 2; 1311
Loche Alberto - Urbaniana University Press
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Participation as the fundamental basis of analogy in st. Thomas Aquinas' metaphysics
Kanyama Cosmas Emmanuel - Urbaniana University Press
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The church as communion on mission. Vatican II, ecclesiology of communion and its missionary implications
Oludare Tai - Urbaniana University Press
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Honour your father and your mother (Ex. 20, 12). The dignity of parents and the duties of children in the Pentateuch
Adewale Ojo Anthony - Urbaniana University Press
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Amos 2:6-16. Israel's moral transgressions
Subagyo Yohanes - Urbaniana University Press
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Association of member episcopal conferences in eastern Africa: its history, priorities, achievements and its future prospects
Muturi John N. - Urbaniana University Press
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Le problème de la collégialité épiscopale et la primauté de l'évêque de Rome à la lumière de l'ecclésiologie de communion de Yves Congar
Hoka Yao Georges - Urbaniana University Press
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Episcopal conferences in the light of Vatican II. The theological foundation and role in the Church. A case study of Tanzania episcopal conference
Kikott William P. - Urbaniana University Press
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Partnership of whole life in the essence and phenomenology of matrimonial covenant
Vianneyraj Alphonse - Urbaniana University Press
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Weakness and power of the apostle in Cor. 4, 7-12
Savundranayagam Michael A. - Urbaniana University Press
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Dal re Giosia al Messia. Problemi letterari, redazionali e teologici di Isaia 8, 23b; 9, 1-6
Lepore Luciano - Urbaniana University Press
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Affective immaturity and lack of internal freedom as a motive for nullity of marriage
Arokiasamy Lawrence M. - Urbaniana University Press
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La parole et le souffle selon Yves Congar. Condition de sante pour le renouveau charismatique
Songi Siama Constant - Urbaniana University Press
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Ministerialidade e missionariedade do catequista leigo em Angola a' base dos cànones 784 e 785. Suas implicaçoes na diocese de Malanje
Malange André - Urbaniana University Press
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Lay participation in Christ's mission of evangelistic ministry with special reference to India (a juridical and theological study of the 1983 code)
Nellickaveli Augustine - Urbaniana University Press
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Certitude of valid and licit celebration of marriage in the light of canon 1066. With special reference to Uganda
Masolo Paul - Urbaniana University Press
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Renoncer à tout pour suivre Jésus. Lectures exégétiques de Lc. 14, 25-33
Kaobo Amisi - Urbaniana University Press
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The incapacity of drugg addicts to elicit marital consent. A study based on canon 1095, 1º and 2º with special reference to Tamil Nadu
Thumma Peter - Urbaniana University Press
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The real presence of the person of Christ in the blessed eucharist. An existential-theological study
Sandanasamy Mariaselvam Jerome - Urbaniana University Press
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The mission Ad gentes of the Church of Thomas christians. A historico-cultural and ecclesiological study of the Syro-Malabar missions...
Ayckara Abraham - Urbaniana University Press
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