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Longanesi - Mystery - Horror - Noir

Forza di gravità

Gerritsen Tess - Longanesi, 2000

 italian text   italian text

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Operazione Cremlino

Ryan Chris - Longanesi, 2000

 italian text   italian text

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Nessun luogo è sicuro

Patterson Richard N. - Longanesi, 2000

 italian text   italian text

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E liberaci dal padre

George Elizabeth - Longanesi, 2001

 italian text   italian text

€ 16.19
€ 17.04 -5%

ships in 2/3 weeks

Il seppellitore di bambole

Hammesfahr Petra - Longanesi, 2001

 italian text   italian text

out of print - NOT orderable

Cerchi e croci. Un'indagine di John Rebus

Rankin Ian - Longanesi, 2001

 italian text   italian text

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Parsons Julie - Longanesi, 2001

 italian text   italian text

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Ricorda Maggie Rose

Patterson James - Longanesi, 2001

 italian text   italian text

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Martini Steve - Longanesi, 2002

 italian text   italian text

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Morte grezza. Un'indagine di John Rebus

Rankin Ian - Longanesi, 2002

 italian text   italian text

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Mosca cieca

DiMercurio Michael - Longanesi, 2003

 italian text   italian text

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Dietro la nebbia. Un'indagine di John Rebus

Rankin Ian - Longanesi, 2003

 italian text   italian text

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La miglior vendetta

George Elizabeth - Longanesi, 2003

 italian text   italian text

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Il peso dell'innocenza

Patterson Richard N. - Longanesi, 2003

 italian text   italian text

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Scelta obbligata

Patterson Richard N. - Longanesi, 2004

 italian text   italian text

out of print - NOT orderable

Non te ne andrai

Rule Ann - Longanesi, 2004

 italian text   italian text

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L'uomo di Siviglia

Wilson Robert - Longanesi, 2004

 italian text   italian text

out of print - NOT orderable

Fine partita. Un'indagine di John Rebus

Rankin Ian - Longanesi, 2004

 italian text   italian text

out of print - NOT orderable

Scomparsa nel nulla

Hammesfahr Petra - Longanesi, 2004

 italian text   italian text

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Prove sepolte

Walters Minette - Longanesi

 italian text   italian text

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Un amore avvelenato

Rule Ann - Longanesi

 italian text   italian text

out of print - NOT orderable

Vittima innocente

Coulter Catherine - Longanesi, 2005

 italian text   italian text

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Un fiume di tenebre

Airth Rennie - Longanesi & C. Editori in Milano, 2005

 italian text   italian text

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Un Brutto Affare

Woods Stuart - Longanesi & C. Editori in Milano, 2005

 italian text   italian text

out of print - NOT orderable

Il costume di Arlecchino

Juzefovic Leonid - Longanesi

 italian text   italian text

out of print - NOT orderable


design e realizzazione: Vincent Wolterbeek / analisi e programmazione: Rocco Barisci