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Edicions 62

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Tots els poemes

Edicions 62, 1985

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Jazz a catalunya, el

Edicions 62, 1985

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Faulkner en españa

Edicions 62, 1985

 spanish text   spanish text

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Anatomia de la izquierda occidental

Edicions 62, 1985

 spanish text   spanish text

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Novel-la, i (obres completes; t.1)

Edicions 62, 1985

 spanish text   spanish text

out of print - NOT orderable

Sociedad burguesa, la

Edicions 62, 1985

 spanish text   spanish text

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Revistes infantils catalanes de 1939 ençà, les

Edicions 62, 1985

 spanish text   spanish text

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Critica, i (obres completes; t.2)

Edicions 62, 1985

 spanish text   spanish text

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El amor como pasion

Edicions 62, 1985

 spanish text   spanish text

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Catalunya, poble decadent

Edicions 62, 1985

 spanish text   spanish text

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Ordre del temps, l'

Edicions 62, 1985

 spanish text   spanish text

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Tots els contes

Edicions 62, 1984

 spanish text   spanish text

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Amb un altre nom

Edicions 62, 1984

 spanish text   spanish text

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Poesia de guerau de liost, la

Edicions 62, 1985

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Reconstruccio de barcelona

Edicions 62, 1985

 spanish text   spanish text

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Diccionari de falses etimologies

Edicions 62, 1984

 spanish text   spanish text

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Rèquiem per una monja

Edicions 62, 1984

 spanish text   spanish text

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Fem un pols, hemingway!

Edicions 62, 1984

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Monstruari fantàstic

Edicions 62, 1984

 spanish text   spanish text

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Angelis musicanti

Edicions 62, 1984

 spanish text   spanish text

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Anima i les formes, l'

Edicions 62, 1984

 spanish text   spanish text

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Campana de vidre, una

Edicions 62, 1984

 spanish text   spanish text

out of print - NOT orderable

Quinze anys de teatre catala

Edicions 62, 1984

 spanish text   spanish text

out of print - NOT orderable

Esbossos de versions de rilke

Edicions 62, 1984

 spanish text   spanish text

out of print - NOT orderable


design e realizzazione: Vincent Wolterbeek / analisi e programmazione: Rocco Barisci