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Edicions 62

Obra poètica, ii : 1970-1980

Edicions 62, 1993

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Bertrand russell

Edicions 62, 1991

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Historias y relatos

Edicions 62, 1991

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James joyce

Edicions 62, 1991

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Gustav mahler

Edicions 62, 1991

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Mahatma gandhi

Edicions 62, 1991

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Garcia lorca

Edicions 62, 1991

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Ernesto che guevara

Edicions 62, 1991

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Gairebe ningu i altres contes

Edicions 62, 1991

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Obra poètica, i : 1948-1971

Edicions 62, 1993

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Història del virtuos cavaller tirant lo blanc

Edicions 62, 1991

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El uso de las ideas politicas

Edicions 62, 1993

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Veu melodiosa, la

Edicions 62, 1991

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Volga desemboca al mar caspi, el

Edicions 62, 1991

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La persecucio politica de la llengua catalana

Edicions 62, 1993

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Tirant lo blanc.; t.2

Edicions 62, 1992

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Mirall trencat

Edicions 62, 1991

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Edicions 62, 1992

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Edicions 62, 1991

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Memories.; t.2

Edicions 62, 1992

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Indagacions i propostes

Edicions 62, 1991

 spanish text   spanish text

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Hora violeta, l'

Edicions 62, 1991

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Totes les besties de càrrega

Edicions 62, 1992

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out of print - NOT orderable

Dones i els dies, les

Edicions 62, 1991

 spanish text   spanish text

out of print - NOT orderable


design e realizzazione: Vincent Wolterbeek / analisi e programmazione: Rocco Barisci