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Edicions 62

La vida i la mort d'en jordi fraginals

Edicions 62, 1994

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Diccionari per a ociosos

Edicions 62, 1994

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Elogi de la paraula i altres assaigs

Edicions 62, 1994

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Edicions 62, 1994

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La pell de brau

Edicions 62, 1994

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Nosaltres, els valencians

Edicions 62, 1994

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Edicions 62, 1994

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Joc brut

Edicions 62, 1994

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La meva cristina i altres contes

Edicions 62, 1994

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Tratado de pedagogia

Edicions 62, 1995

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El dia que va morir marilyn

Edicions 62, 1996

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Tratado de pedagogia

Edicions 62, 1995

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Historia social de la tecnocracia

Edicions 62, 1995

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Familia, la

Edicions 62, 1995

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Ironias de la historia

Edicions 62, 1995

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Sociologia del arte

Edicions 62, 1995

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El retaule del flautista

Edicions 62, 1994

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Voto de castidad

Edicions 62, 1996

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Edicions 62, 1999

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Cases modernistes de catalunya

Edicions 62, 1998

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Obres completes, iii : novel-la, 3

Edicions 62, 1998

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Josep pallach (1920-1977)

Edicions 62, 1997

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Gabriela, clau i canyella

Edicions 62, 1997

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Miratge a citerea. letizia. petites proses blanques

Edicions 62, 1997

 spanish text   spanish text

out of print - NOT orderable


design e realizzazione: Vincent Wolterbeek / analisi e programmazione: Rocco Barisci