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Edicions 62

Manual dels inquisidors

Edicions 62, 1998

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Pere calders, veritat oculta

Edicions 62, 1998

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Qui s'apunta a matar la meva mare

Edicions 62, 1997

 spanish text   spanish text

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Ulisses a alta mar

Edicions 62, 1997

 spanish text   spanish text

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Literatura, vides, ciutats

Edicions 62, 1997

 spanish text   spanish text

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El gos del tinent

Edicions 62, 1997

 spanish text   spanish text

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Diccionari del catala popular i d'argot

Edicions 62, 1997

 spanish text   spanish text

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La dona que ensopegava amb les portes

Edicions 62, 1997

 spanish text   spanish text

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El barber violador

Edicions 62, 1997

 spanish text   spanish text

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Hermeneutica, filosofia, cosmovisio

Edicions 62, 1997

 spanish text   spanish text

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L'home de geni

Edicions 62, 1997

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Consells a un jove escriptor

Edicions 62, 1997

 spanish text   spanish text

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La tolerancia i els seus fonaments

Edicions 62, 1997

 spanish text   spanish text

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Antologia de la poesia romantica

Edicions 62, 1997

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Un grapat de pols

Edicions 62, 1997

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out of print - NOT orderable

Investigacions filosòfiques

Edicions 62, 1997

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El cap perdut de damasceno monteiro

Edicions 62, 1997

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Guerres perdudes

Edicions 62, 1997

 spanish text   spanish text

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Nova antologia poètica

Edicions 62, 1997

 spanish text   spanish text

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Lal musica de l'atzar

Edicions 62, 1997

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Curs de filosofia en sis hores i quart

Edicions 62, 1997

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La clarol del juliol

Edicions 62, 1997

 spanish text   spanish text

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El sastre de panama (catalan)

Edicions 62, 1997

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El primers cristians. del divendres sant

Edicions 62, 1997

 spanish text   spanish text

out of print - NOT orderable


design e realizzazione: Vincent Wolterbeek / analisi e programmazione: Rocco Barisci