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Edicions 62

Diccionari de la rima

Edicions 62, 1999

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Antologia de poemes de revolta

Edicions 62, 2001

 spanish text   spanish text

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Diccionari de la llengua catalana

Edicions 62, 2007

 spanish text   spanish text

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Fedra, una altra fedra si us plau

Edicions 62, 2003

 spanish text   spanish text

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Diccionari de formacio de paraules

Edicions 62, 2002

 spanish text   spanish text

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Santiago rusiñol, el caminant de la terra

Edicions 62, 2003

 spanish text   spanish text

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Requiem (catalan)

Edicions 62, 2001

 spanish text   spanish text

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Un amor dolc i perillos

Edicions 62, 2001

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L'hora violeta

Edicions 62, 2001

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Edicions 62, 2001

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Ricard guillem o el somni de barcelona

Edicions 62, 2001

 spanish text   spanish text

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L'excursio a tindari

Edicions 62, 2001

 spanish text   spanish text

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El cul de napoleo o la revelacio de mila

Edicions 62, 2000

 spanish text   spanish text

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Una dona dificil

Edicions 62, 2000

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L'a estacio de la caça

Edicions 62, 2000

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L'espia que tornava del fred

Edicions 62, 2000

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Single & single (catalan)

Edicions 62, 2000

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La casa russia (catalan)

Edicions 62, 2000

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La pesta (catalan)

Edicions 62, 2000

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Atles de les illes balears

Edicions 62, 2000

 spanish text   spanish text

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El catala, llengua romanica

Edicions 62, 2000

 spanish text   spanish text

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out of print - NOT orderable

Diccionary de la catalunya medieval segles 6-15

Edicions 62, 2001

 spanish text   spanish text

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out of print - NOT orderable

L'edat de la innocencia

Edicions 62, 2000

 spanish text   spanish text

out of print - NOT orderable


design e realizzazione: Vincent Wolterbeek / analisi e programmazione: Rocco Barisci