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Edicions 62

Felicitat, lacatalan

Edicions 62, 2004

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Els xuetes mallorquins: quinze segles de racisme

Edicions 62, 2003

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La clau

Edicions 62, 2003

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Aixo a un fill no se li fa

Edicions 62, 2003

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Edicions 62, 2002

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Mecanoscrit del segon origen

Edicions 62, 2002

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Atles del pais valencia

Edicions 62, 2002

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Edicions 62, 2003

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El president companys, afusellat

Edicions 62, 2005

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Joan coromines : una vida de llegenda

Edicions 62, 2005

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El gran llibre dels cognoms catalans

Edicions 62, 2005

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Vuit segles de poesia catalana

Edicions 62, 2005

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Dona justa

Edicions 62, 2005

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Edicions 62, 2004

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Edicions 62, 2004

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Molta mes tardos

Edicions 62, 2004

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Foe (coetzee)

Edicions 62, 2004

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Calaveres atonites

Edicions 62, 2004

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El moliner udolaire

Edicions 62, 2004

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Un relat de la nova immigracio africana

Edicions 62, 2004

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Cami de sirga

Edicions 62, 2005

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Edicions 62, 2004

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Mati fosc

Edicions 62, 2003

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Antigona (catalan)

Edicions 62, 2003

 spanish text   spanish text

out of print - NOT orderable


design e realizzazione: Vincent Wolterbeek / analisi e programmazione: Rocco Barisci