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Edicions 62

No me n'he anai

Edicions 62, 2007

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Puta postguerra (catalan)

Edicions 62, 2007

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Contes (catalan)

Edicions 62, 2007

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Dietari de 1973

Edicions 62, 2007

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Comelade ; casasses ; perejaume

Edicions 62, 2006

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Un crim imperfecte

Edicions 62, 2006

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Deu no surt a la foto

Edicions 62, 2006

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Lluis nicolau d'olwer: un acid gentilhome

Edicions 62, 2007

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Mozart en el seu viatge a praga

Edicions 62, 2006

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Aloma (1938)

Edicions 62, 2006

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Edicions 62, 2006

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Tirant lo blanc (estudi preliminar)

Edicions 62, 2005

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Ravals d'alegria

Edicions 62, 2006

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Edicions 62, 2005

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El sastre de panama

Edicions 62, 2005

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El temps de les cireres

Edicions 62, 2005

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Els pilars de la tierra:

Edicions 62, 2006

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Nosaltres, els valencians

Edicions 62, 2005

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Assaig sobre la ceguesa (catalan)

Edicions 62, 2008

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La pell de brau

Edicions 62, 2010

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La profecia 2013 (catalan)

Edicions 62, 2008

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Flors a casa

Edicions 62, 2007

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A l'encesa

Edicions 62, 2007

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Bruixa de sol

Edicions 62, 2007

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Edicions 62, 2007

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out of print - NOT orderable


design e realizzazione: Vincent Wolterbeek / analisi e programmazione: Rocco Barisci