Motocicletas Legendarias
Castillo Vila, José María. - Libreria Universitaria (Barcelona), 2009
english text
The Victorian House Book: a Practical Guide To Home Repair and Decoration
Simon Rigge. - Sheldrake Press, 2008
english text
Grace Kelly: Icon of Style To Royal Bride
Haugland, H. Kristina. - Philadelphia Museum of Art/Retail, 2006
english text
Reise Durch Den Mikrokosmos: Die Welt Durchs Mikroskop Entdecken-Bei 20facher- Bis 22-Millionenfacher Vergrößerung
Broll, Brandon. - National Geographic Deuts, 2007
english text
When They Were Young: a Photographic Retrospective of Childhood From the Library of Congress
Coles, Robert. - Kales Pr, 2008
english text
First Acquisitions. Selezione di opere dalla Fondazione per l'Arte Contemporanea Victor Pinchuk, Kiev
italian text
La stanza dei sequestri. Materiali inediti custoditi nel magazzini della Soprintendenza per i Beni archeologici
italian text