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Phoenix Enterprise

La bestia della terra del cuore

Shepard Lucius - Phoenix Enterprise

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Laggiù nelle terrefonde

Turtledove Harry - Phoenix Enterprise

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La grande medusa

Sterling Bruce. Rucker Rudy - Phoenix Enterprise

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Il giorno del perdono

Ursula K. Le Guin - Phoenix Enterprise

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Rucker Rudy - Phoenix Enterprise

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Lost angels (Angeli perduti)

Schow David J. - Phoenix Enterprise

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Quentin Tarantino regista pulp

Gandini Leonardo - Phoenix Enterprise

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Il morso del ragno

Jonquet Thierry - Phoenix Enterprise

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Miami blues

Willeford Charles - Phoenix Enterprise

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Le formiche nel computer

Rucker Rudy - Phoenix Enterprise

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Altri sogni

John Kessel - Kelly J. Patrick - Phoenix Enterprise

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Spiriti di Olimpia

Roberto Pari - Sergio Tani - Phoenix Enterprise

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Mondo boia!

Kaz - Phoenix Enterprise

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Sacco Joe - Phoenix Enterprise

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Il demone di mezzanotte

Carroll Jonathan - Phoenix Enterprise

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Freddo a luglio

Joe R. Lansdale - Phoenix Enterprise

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Morire oggi

Willeford Charles - Phoenix Enterprise

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Maddox Tom - Phoenix Enterprise

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Dal Segno Agli Eroi

Barbieri Daniele - Phoenix Enterprise

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Sindrome Aliena

Blumlein Michael - Phoenix Enterprise

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Terra Cava

Rudy Rucker - Phoenix Enterprise

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Terre d'ombra. Squarci

Gibelin - Springer - Phoenix Enterprise

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Il vento tra i salici. Il bosco selvaggio

Plessix Michel - Phoenix Enterprise

 italian text   italian text

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design e realizzazione: Vincent Wolterbeek / analisi e programmazione: Rocco Barisci