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Vivalda Editori

Monte Cervino. Guida storico-artistica

Vivalda Editori

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Patagonia. Terra di sogni infranti

Fava Cesarino - Vivalda Editori

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Monte Rosa 1:35.000

Vivalda Editori

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Progressione su ghiaccio

Vivalda Editori

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Soste e ancoraggi

Vivalda Editori

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Fotografia in montagna

Vivalda Editori

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Progressione su roccia

Vivalda Editori

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Torrentismo. Tecnica e materiali

Vivalda Editori

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Soste e ancoraggi

Vivalda Editori

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Signora Del Vuoto

Afanassieff Jean - Vivalda Editori

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Meta' Della Gloria Video

Mayenfisch A. - Vivalda Editori

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Broad Peak 78 Videocassetta

Olivier Seigneur - Vivalda Editori

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Christophe Videocassetta

Philibert - Vivalda Editori

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Cacciatori Di Miele Video

Summers D Valli E Majani A. - Vivalda Editori

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Khangri-la Montagna Video

Subba N. - Vivalda Editori

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Montanas De Ayer

Vivalda Editori

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Big Stone

Vivalda Editori

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Fotografia in Montagna. Manuale

Vivalda Editori

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Cumbre Vhs

Mariani - Vivalda Editori

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Progressione su Roccia. Manuale

Vivalda Editori

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design e realizzazione: Vincent Wolterbeek / analisi e programmazione: Rocco Barisci