Dover Publications
Burnham'S Celestial Handbook: An Observer'S Guide To the Universe Beyond the Solar System: 3
Burnham, Robert. - Dover Publications Inc., 1979
english text
The Book of Wood Carving: Technique, Designs, and Projects
Sayers, Charles Marshall. - Dover Publications Inc., 1978
english text
1001 Questions Answered About Earthquakes, Avalanches, Floods, and Other Natural Disasters
Tufty, Barbara. - Dover Publications Inc., 1978
english text
Crystals and Light: An Introduction To Optical Crystallography
Wood, Elizabeth A. - Dover Publications Inc., 1977
english text
All About Lobsters, Crabs, Shrimps and Their Relatives
Headstrom Richard - Dover Publications
english text
Theory of Games and Statistical Decisions
Blackwell, David A. - Dover Publications Inc., 1979
english text
Silk Screen Printing for Artists and Craftsmen
Schwalbach Mathilda V. - Dover Publications
italian text
Complex Variables and the Laplace Transform for Engineers
LePage WilburR - Dover Publications
english text
New York in the Nineteenth Century. 317 Engravings from Harper's Weekly and Other Contemporary Sources
Grafton John - Dover Publications
english text
Lalique Glass. The complete illustrated catalogue for 1932
Silvere Morris - Dover Publications Inc., 1982
english text
Hydrodynamic and Hydromagnetic Stability
Chandrasekhar, S. - Dover Publications Inc., 1981
english text
Geometry of Complex Numbers: Circle Geometry, Moebius Transformation, Non-Euclidean Geometry
Schwerdtfeger, Hans. - Dover Publications Inc., 1980
english text
History of Greek Mathematics: From Thales To Euclid: 1
Heath, Thomas Little, Sir. - Dover Publications Inc., 1981
english text