Dover Publications
An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Reading Book for Beginners
Budge Wallis - Dover Publications Inc.
english text

Catastrophe Theory For Scientists and Engineers
Gilmore, Robert. - Dover Publications Inc., 1993
english text

Technical Calculus With Analytic Geometry
Gersting, Judith L. - Dover Publications Inc., 1993
english text

Abstract Algebra and Solution By Radicals
Maxfield, Margaret W. - Dover Publications Inc., 1992
english text

Peer Gynt Suite, Holberg Suite and Other Works For Piano Solo
Edvard Grieg. - Dover Publications Inc., 1993
english text

Elegant Display Alphabets: 100 Complete Fonts
Solo, Dan X. - Dover Publications Inc., 1992
english text

Authentic Shirley Temple Paper Dolls and Dresses
Krebs, Marta K. - Dover Publications Inc., 1991
english text
