European Press Academic Publishing
The meaning of life. The universe and nothing. Vol. 2
Leuten Kuenftigen - European Press Academic Publishing, 2011
italian text
Trends in Legal Knowledge, the Semantic Web and the Regulation of Electronic Social Systems
European Press Academic Publishing, 2007
italian text
Racconto e parabola in Leone Tolstoj
Cavaion Danilo - European Press Academic Publishing, 2004
italian text
Pianeta uomo. I diritti dell'anima
Bresci Marco - European Press Academic Publishing, 2004
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Poesie sparse. Mihi musis et paucis amicis
Chiappini Idalberto - European Press Academic Publishing, 2003
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Italia eretica. Un paese civile tra politica e cultura
Bagnoli Paolo - European Press Academic Publishing, 2003
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Europe in progress. Critical issues in the process of European integration. I. From Maastricht to Nice
Stefania Baroncelli - Gianfranco Varvesi - European Press Academic Publishing, 2002
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Segreti personali e segreti di Stato. Privacy, archivi e ricerca storica
European Press Academic Publishing, 2001
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El arco latino de la unión europea y sus relaciones con América latina
Fazio Vengoa Hugo - European Press Academic Publishing, 2001
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Modelli funzionali delle leggi. Verso testi legislativi autoesplicativi
Biagioli Carlo - European Press Academic Publishing, 2009
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ABC del diritto. Conoscere il diritto per navigare il Web giuridico
Roberta Nannucci - Maria Angela Biasiotti - European Press Academic Publishing, 2009
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Forty years of EU budgeting. The development of the general budget from 1968 to 2008. Ediz. inglese e finlandese
Saarilahti Ilkka - European Press Academic Publishing, 2009
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Proceedings of the 5th legislative XML workshop
Sartor Giovanni - Biagioli Carlo - Francesconi Enrico - European Press Academic Publishing, 2007
italian text
Le politiche locali nella provincia di Pisa. Crsi della finanza locale, europeizzazione e ridefinizione dei margini operativi di una provincia toscana
Di Quirico Roberto - European Press Academic Publishing, 2005
italian text
The silence of the UN Secutiry Council. Conflict and Peace Enforcement in the 1990s
Hawkins Virgil - European Press Academic Publishing, 2004
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From Duccio to Raphael. Connoisseurship in Crisis
James Beck - European Press Academic Publishing, 2006
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