The University of Chicago Press
Hope and Healing. Painting in Italy in a Time of Plague 1500-1800
Bailey Alexander Gauvin - Jones M. Pamela - Mormando Franco - The University of Chicago Press
english text
Making knowledge in early modern europe. Practices, objects, and texts, 1400 - 1800
Smith Pamela H. - Benjamin Schmidt (eds) - The University of Chicago Press, 2008
english text
The complete architecture of adler & sullivan
Richard Nickel - Aaron Siskind - The University of Chicago Press, 2010
english text
Switching codes. Thinking through digital technology in the humanities and the arts
Bartscherer Thomas - Roderick Coover (eds) - The University of Chicago Press, 2011
english text
Petrarch. A critical guide to the complete works
Kirkham Victoria - Armando Maggi (eds) - The University of Chicago Press, 2009
italian text
The book as instrument. Stephane mallarme, the artist's book, and the transformation of print culture
Sigridur Arnar Anna - The University of Chicago Press, 2010
english text
Writing art history. Disciplinary departures
Margaret Iversen - Stephen Melville - The University of Chicago Press
english text