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Golovan l'immortale

Leskov Nikolaj - Tranchida, 1993

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Massime e riflessioni

Johann Wolfgang Goethe - Tranchida, 1993

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Proust Marcel - Tranchida, 1993

 italian text   italian text

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Il libro dei monasteri

Ash Shàbushti Abu'l-Hasan - Tranchida, 1993

 italian text   italian text

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L'imperatrice di Spinetta

Paul von Heyse - Tranchida, 1993

 italian text   italian text

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I coniugi Quint

Liliencron Detlev von - Tranchida, 1993

 italian text   italian text

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L'egoismo di Amelia Lamkin

Wilkins Freeman Mary - Tranchida, 1993

 italian text   italian text

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Racconti dell'io

Brjusov Valerij - Tranchida, 1993

 italian text   italian text

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San Manuel Bueno, martire

Miguel de Unamuno - Tranchida, 1993

 italian text   italian text

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Chi ha fatto le carte?

Lardner Ring - Tranchida, 1993

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Un albero trasparente

Kelly Robert - Tranchida, 1995

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Ritorno a casa

Moore George - Tranchida, 1994

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Nostalgia e amore

Teffi - Tranchida, 1994

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L'uomo con lo zaino verde

Valton Arvo - Tranchida, 1994

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Wilkins Freeman Mary - Tranchida, 1994

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Triangoli imperfetti

Edith Wharton - Tranchida, 1994

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Ashìk Kerìb l'amante smemorato

Anonimo turco - Tranchida, 1994

 italian text   italian text

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Racconti del terrore

Wilkie Collins - Tranchida, 1994

 italian text   italian text

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I baroni Gemperlein

Marie von Ebner Eschenbach - Tranchida, 1994

 italian text   italian text

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Mi manca il respiro

Lardner Ring - Tranchida, 1994

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La finestra

Margaret Oliphant - Tranchida, 1994

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Parjumouf. Una favola della nuova Olanda

Almqvist Carl - Tranchida, 1994

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Racconti cubani

Crane Stephen - Tranchida, 1994

 italian text   italian text

out of print - NOT orderable


design e realizzazione: Vincent Wolterbeek / analisi e programmazione: Rocco Barisci