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Wilkins Freeman Mary - Tranchida, 2002

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Giorni senza fumare

Verdú Vicente - Tranchida, 2003

 italian text   italian text

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Quando avevo cinque anni, mi sono ucciso

Buten Howard - Tranchida, 2003

 italian text   italian text

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Il principe della morte

Iriarte Rogelio - Tranchida, 2004

 italian text   italian text

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L'ultimo fucile

Edorta Jimenez Ormaetxea - Tranchida, 2004

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Damiani Giovanni - Tranchida, 2004

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Feriti vaganti

McIlvanney William - Tranchida, 2004

 italian text   italian text

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Ospiti della nazione

O'Connor Frank - Tranchida, 2004

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Donne senza uomini

Parsipur Shahrnush - Tranchida, 2004

 italian text   italian text

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Omicidi quotidiani

Iriarte Rogelio - Tranchida, 2003

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La povera Lisa

Karamzin Nikolaj - Tranchida, 2003

 italian text   italian text

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Le carte di Tony Veitch

McIlvanney William - Tranchida, 2005

 italian text   italian text

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Storie di spettri giapponesi

Hearn Lafcadio - Tranchida

 italian text   italian text

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Lungo l'oceano del tempo

George MacKay Brown - Tranchida, 2005

 italian text   italian text

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Con gli occhi di un bambino

Razgon Lev - Tranchida, 2005

 italian text   italian text

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Terra di ferro, cielo di rame

Kemal Yashar - Tranchida, 2005

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Il canto dei mille tori

Kemal Yashar - Tranchida, 2005

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La collera del monte Ararat

Kemal Yashar - Tranchida, 2005

 italian text   italian text

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Storia di Abra

Barfoot Joan - Tranchida, 2005

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Un'estate a Greenvoe

George MacKay Brown - Tranchida, 2005

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Wijesinha Rajiva - Tranchida, 2005

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Ultime volontà. Una storia madrilena

Albiac Gabriel - Tranchida, 2005

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Tuba e il senso della notte

Parsipur Shahrnush - Tranchida, 2005

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Gli assassini

Rogelio Iriarte - Tranchida, 2005

 italian text   italian text

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Lo scrittore e la sua ombra

Sarrionandia Joseba - Tranchida, 2005

 italian text   italian text

out of print - NOT orderable


design e realizzazione: Vincent Wolterbeek / analisi e programmazione: Rocco Barisci