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E' necessaria la scienza?

Max Perutz - Garzanti

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Ah, Europa!

Hans Magnus Enzensberger - Garzanti

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L'impero dell'effimero

Gilles Lipovetsky - Garzanti

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L'atelier di Monet

Roberto Tassi - Garzanti

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Lezioni sul Don Chisciotte

Vladimir Nabokov - Garzanti

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I poemi della luce

Lucian Blaga - Garzanti

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Miele e no

Tiziano Rossi - Garzanti

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La differenza

Roberto Sanesi - Garzanti

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La prova del nuovo

Alberico Sala - Garzanti

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Jeanette Winterson - Garzanti

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La bottega dei miracoli

Jorge Amado - Garzanti

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Ti con zero

Calvino Italo - Garzanti

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Ultimo viene il corvo

Calvino Italo - Garzanti

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Un borghese piccolo piccolo

Vincenzo Cerami - Garzanti

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Di qua dal paradiso

Francis Scott Fitzgerald - Garzanti

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Infelicità senza desideri

Peter Handke - Garzanti

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L'ultima estate di Klingsor

Hermann Hesse - Garzanti

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I vagabondi del Dharma

Jack Kerouac - Garzanti

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Tosca dei gatti

Gina Lagorio - Garzanti

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La scoperta della lentezza

Sten Nadolny - Garzanti

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Chiamalo sonno

Henry Roth - Garzanti

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Sandro Penna - Garzanti

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design e realizzazione: Vincent Wolterbeek / analisi e programmazione: Rocco Barisci