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Misurare la funzione risorse umane

Phillips Jack J. - McGraw-Hill Libri Italia

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L'era digitale

Martin Chuck - McGraw-Hill

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Mission possible

Blanchard Kenneth - Waghorn Terry - McGraw-Hill

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Il nuovo positioning

Trout Jack. Rivkin Steve - McGraw-Hill

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Psichiatria. Pre test

Woods S. M. - McGraw-Hill

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Medicina. Pre test

Taragin - McGraw-Hill

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Pediatria. Pre test

Schaeffer - McGraw-Hill

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Pretest neurologia

Lechtenberg Richard - McGraw-Hill

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Ostetricia/ginecologia. Pre test

Evans M. J. - McGraw-Hill

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PreTest psichiatria

Woods S. M. - Baron D. A. - McGraw-Hill

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PreTest medicina

Bodner Amos - McGraw-Hill

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Introduzione a HTML

Gottleber Timothy T. - McGraw-Hill

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L'uomo nello spazio

Vallerani Ernesto - McGraw-Hill

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Frontpage '98

Weisskopf Gene - McGraw-Hill

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design e realizzazione: Vincent Wolterbeek / analisi e programmazione: Rocco Barisci