Economia. Con connect. Con e-book
Paul A. Samuelson - Carlo A. Bollino - Nordhaus William D. - McGraw-Hill, 2023
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Principles of computer security: CompTIA security and Beyond. Exam SYO-601
Arthur Conklin - White Greg - McGraw-Hill, 2021
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Fundamentals of corporate finance. Con Contenuto digitale per download e accesso online
Stephen A. Ross - David Hillier - Westerfield Randolph W. - McGraw-Hill, 2022
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Principles of economics
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Clinical pediatric anesthesiology (Lange)
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Current diagnosis & treatment orthopedics
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Project management: the managerial process
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Financial institutions management: a risk management approach
Saunders - McGraw-Hill, 2022
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International financial management
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Thermodynamics and applications of hydrocarbons energy production
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Modern geothermal HVAC engineering and control applications
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Clinical electrophyisiology review
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Hadzic's peripheral nerve blocks and anatomy for ultrasound. Guided and regional anesthesia. Con DVD
Hadzic Admir - McGraw-Hill, 2012
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Child development. An introduction ISE
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