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Motta Junior

Battista e il ciuccio

Orlev Uri - Motta Junior

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Ladri in maschera

Delmas Sonia - Motta Junior

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Un due tre a letto!

Le Touzé Anne Isabelle - Motta Junior

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Crescerà il piccolo Chico?

Barbara Diane - Motta Junior

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Dove corre così Lello Porcello?

Barbara Diane - Motta Junior

 italian text   italian text

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out of print - NOT orderable

Gelsomina ama le cose grandi

Kathrin Schärer - Motta Junior

 italian text   italian text

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La Repubblica a piccoli passi

Fausto Vitaliano - Motta Junior

 italian text   italian text

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Carlotta vuol essere principessa

Doris Dörrie - Motta Junior

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Le avventure di Goha

Eglal Errera - Motta Junior

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Scimmietta e le sue scarpette

Marchon Benoit - Motta Junior

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Cagnolino e il suo pallone

Marchon Benoit - Motta Junior

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L'acqua a piccoli passi

François Michel - Motta Junior, 2003

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Il segreto di un nome

Bresner Lisa - Motta Junior

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Capolinea, si scende!

Nord Lilas - Motta Junior

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Buon Natale!

Rouvière Nadine - Motta Junior

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L'energia a piccoli passi

François Michel - Motta Junior

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La mitologia romana

Noiville Florence - Motta Junior

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Dimmi, che cos'è un sogno?

Schirneck Hubert - Motta Junior

 italian text   italian text

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A casa

Gerevini Paola. Rouvière Nadine - Motta Junior

 italian text   italian text

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A scuola

Gerevini Paola. Rouvière Nadine - Motta Junior

 italian text   italian text

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I denti a piccoli passi

Nathalie Tordjman - Motta Junior

 italian text   italian text

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out of print - NOT orderable

I colori

Rouvière Nadine - Motta Junior

 italian text   italian text

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design e realizzazione: Vincent Wolterbeek / analisi e programmazione: Rocco Barisci