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De rerum veritate

Sciretta Giuseppe - Seneca

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Born to know-Nato per conoscere

Labranche - Seneca, 2009

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Zaretti Roberto - Seneca

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Fasoli Cinzia - Seneca

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L'uomo che non volle esser Dio

Ghigiot - Seneca

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Conquisterò Giulia

Cepollina Livio - Seneca

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Gocce vive

Smaldone Giovanni - Seneca

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Il mio mondo

Ragazzo Luciano - Seneca

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Nudità mentale

Spinetti Matteo - Seneca

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La collana di raminga

Costabili Ginevra - Seneca

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design e realizzazione: Vincent Wolterbeek / analisi e programmazione: Rocco Barisci